OVERVIEW: New articles about Disability Discrimination Law

In 2018 Norway established a new discrimination tribunal. In Finland the Discrimination Board can order the adoption of reasonable accommodation measures. In Denmark, positive treatment of people with disabilities is undertaken in certain areas of society. And what about Iceland – and Sweden? Today The Law as a tool project with support from former project leader and nowadays researcher in Discrimination Law Paul Lappalainen publish an overview of the Discrimination legislation in the Nordic countries.
We also publish an article by student in Human Rights law Csilla Gradwolh about the global development of legal protection against discrimination. This article explores the first anti-discrimination laws in the United States and how they have inspired the rest of the world. Emphasis is given to the key role civil society has played and could play for a stronger protection of Human Rights.
We urge participants at our International conference May 30 to read through and of course comment on any error found.
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